

Dog breeds of the world, Snuppy

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Dr. Hwang Woo-Suk beside "Snuppy". Dr. Hwang Woo-Suk beside "Snuppy".

Snuppy (born April 24, 2005) is the first cloned Dog. This Afghan hound clone was created by Hwang Woo-Suk and his team of scientists at Seoul National University (SNU) in South Korea. The name "Snuppy" is a combination of "SNU" and "puppy."

The researchers transferred 1,095 Dog embryos into 123 females, inducing three pregnancies. One fetus miscarried, and one clone died of pneumonia after three weeks. A Labrador Retriever carried the third embryo to term. The team announced their success in cloning in August of 2005. [1]

Later in 2005 Hwang Woo-Suk was found to have fabricated evidence in stem cell research projects. This caused some to question the veracity of his other experiments, including Snuppy. [2] In their investigation of Hwang Woo-Suk's publication, however, a team from SNU confirmed that Snuppy was a true clone of Tei, the DNA donor Dog. [3]


  1. ^ Snuppy rewards Dogged approach. Nature website. URL accessed on August 4, 2005.
  2. ^ Probe May Widen in Stem Cell Fraud Case. URL accessed on December 23, 2005.
  3. ^ English summary of the SNU final report. SNU website. URL accessed on January 10, 2006.

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Dog breeds of the world, Snuppy