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A show is a judged event or display in the hobby of animal fancy or in the occupation of animal husbandry.

Shows feature the best specimens of purebred animals in a locality or country. Prestigious shows or those with large purses (prize money) to be won may attract exhibitors from around the world.

Typically, shows are an opportunity for breeders to feature their best breeding stock, so animals in a show are usually entire, that is, the animal has not been spayed or neutered.

Animals compete for the title of Best of Breed, a distinction which can add significant value to a breeder's lines. The top prize in a show is usually the title Best in Show or Best (or Supreme) Exhibit in Show.

Animals typically "shown" include:

See also

Home | Up | Best of Breed | Breed Clubs | Breed Standard | Champion Dog | Companion Dog Title | Conformation Point | Cording | Dog Groups | Dog Showmanship | Fault | General Specials | GunDog Group | Herding Group | Hound Group | Nonsporting Group | Novelty Show | Rug | Scruffts | Show | Show Dogs | Working Groups

Dogs, made by MultiMedia | Free content and software

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