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Obedience School

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An obedience school is an institution that trains pets (particularly Dogs) how to behave properly. When puppies are young and in the first stages of training, they are often taken by their owners to obedience schools. Most obedience schools are located in the United States. Training usually takes place in small groups. In addition to training pets themselves, obedience schools also teach pet owners how to train, praise, and scold their pets.

See also

Home | Up | Alpha Roll | Dog Attack | Bark | Clicker | Clicker Training | Dog Collar | Animal Communication | Dog Communication | Coprophagia | Crate Training | Dog Aggression | Dog Trainer | Housebreaking | Dog Intelligence | The Intelligence of Dogs | Obedience School | Obedience Training | Operant Conditioning | Prey Drive | Socialization | Dog Society | Trophallaxis | WarDog | Dog Whistle

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