
English Pointer

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English Pointer

A pointer looks inquisitively across the yard.
A pointer looks inquisitively across the yard.
Alternative names
Country of origin
Common nicknames
Classification and breed standards
FCI: Group 7 Section 2 #1
AKC: Sporting
ANKC: Group 3 (GunDogs)
CKC: Group 1 - Sporting Dogs
KC (UK): GunDog
NZKC: GunDog
UKC: Group
Not recognized by any major kennel club
This breed of Dog is extinct

An English Pointer, often called simply a Pointer, is a breed of Dog developed as a gun Dog. It is one of several pointer breeds.

Appearance of English Pointer

The standard colourings of an English Pointer are liver, lemon, orange or black. These can be solid colours, or a combination white Speckles, and patches are also acceptable. Black and white pointers are sometimes confused with Dalmatians. Dalmatians have a great number of small spots, whereas Pointers have a few large spots.

English Pointer A pointer rests on the grass

English Pointer A domestic pointer rests in her home

Health of English Pointer

The average life span of a Pointer is 12 to 17 years.

History of English Pointer

Four breeds went into the development of the Pointer: the Foxhound, Bloodhound, Greyhound, and English Bull Terrier.

Miscellaneous of English Pointer

When Pointers work with hunters, they are often used in combination with a retriever, to point out the prey to the retriever, using the pointer stance.

External links

Home | Up | English Cocker Spaniel | English Foxhound | English Mastiff | English Pointer | English Setter | English Shepherd | English Springer Spaniel |

English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) | Entlebucher Mountain Dog | Estrela Mountain Dog | Eurasier | Eurohound

English Pointer, Pointer, breed of Dog, gun Dog, pointer breeds, liver, lemon, orange, black. solid colours, combination white Speckles, Black and white pointers, Dalmatians, small spots, few large spots, Dogs, breed, breeders, picture